The Nampa Public Library developed an Art Plan for the building in a joint effort between the Art Task Force and artistic consultant, Stephanie Inman. The Art Plan outlined specific spaces, ideas, and suggestions the Art Task Force has identified for art in the building. The guiding principle for the art is centered around the idea of a growing tree, with roots, lush greenery, and finally a canopy that opens into the sky. This principle is reflected on each floor.
Click one of these links to show you the art on each floor:
Library Feature Wall: “A Wider World” by Leslie Dixon
Located on all three floors!
Leslie Dixon is a Treasure Valley illustrator and designer who has been increasingly applying her skills to community and public art. In recent years she has been a design finalist for a number of major public art opportunities, created several murals for the Traffic Box Initiative, and contributed works to The City of Boise’s public art collection.