Financial Donation
Your gift to the library is very much appreciated. It will benefit the Nampa Public Library, as well as the citizens of Nampa in too many ways to count. We will keep your personal and financial information completely confidential. Simply print the form and fill it in.
You may also donate in a loved one’s name. Please bring in, or mail the form with the funds to the address indicated on the form.
Tax Information
Your donation is completely tax deductible by up to two-thirds return, as the library qualifies as an Idaho educational institute. If you have any questions, please call 468-5806.
Memorial Donation
Donations can be made to the library for the purchase of items to honor or memorialize loved ones or friends. In the case of a cash gift for the purpose of memorial, tribute or other recognition, the donor has the option of helping select the subject and audience of the item(s) to be purchased. A book plate can be affixed to the book with acknowledgement of the donation. Should the donor indicate no preference for a specific use of the gift, the donation will be used for materials, equipment or programs that are deemed to be of greatest need to the library. Simply print out the form and fill it in. Please bring in or mail the form with the funds to the address indicated on the form.
Your donation is completely tax deductible. If you have any questions, please call 468-5806.
Book/Material Donations
The library accepts donations in the form of fiction books, non-fiction books, DVDs, and CDs. We do not accept Magazines or Reference/Textbooks.
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